Monday 14 February 2011

Previously...on Merchandise Mania

Don't you hate that? When a show that you've been loyally following since episode 1 feels the need to catch up all the new viewers with everything that's happened so that they might make sense of it? I mean, it didn't help with 'Lost' did it? More importantly, the longer they take catching you up, the less new story they have to write.

It's bloody lazy writing. If I wrote a top telly show it would start like this:

"Previously on Paul's Show - stuff happened, and if you forgot to tune in or set your Sky Plus box, then go and download it - just don't ruin it for everyone else.".

Anyway, here's the next installment on Merchandise Mania TV. It's not really important to know what happened previously, as it's not really a serial drama, but it's still fun to watch. Enjoy.